Can you all say GREEN everything. If a component has a LED its green in this build. Even the peripherals are radiating that ominous poisonous glow of the color of nuclear waste. Just one look at her and you can tell she is POINSONOUS
HAPPY WIFE HAPPY LIFE, is what I say because when your wife games you better make sure she has something that is at least capable. I know it uses some dated parts but they were the best that I could find to put her together something on short notice. Her beloved i5 2500k rig died during that mornings heavy grind speed runs of Diablo 3, after an hour of non successful resuscitation attempts I made the decision to replace most of her old parts. As soon as she left for work I left for the local computer shop 20 minutes away. This is what I came up with after giving the store a complete once over. My wife came home to meet her new and improved gaming rig just as I had finished installing Windows. She flipped out when I opened up the side panel and showed her what her new gear looked like. Needless to say I have one happy wife.