This is my personal workstation, for gamedev and video editing. I also play games on it, obviously. It's honestly kind of trash in general, but it's enough for my needs. I put Horo up on the drive bay because I kept constantly knocking her down from the table. And my 32-year-old sister stole her skirt, don't ask.
There are a few questionable design choices, most notably the red RAM sticks, and the motherboard. I was going for a windowless case, so I didn't bother to check which memory color I ordered. After building the system, I realised that the cooler doesn't fit, so I swapped the case for a Masterbox 5. The RAM stayed, mostly for the memes, since the motherboard is blue and has a green LED, the build is RGB.
Oh, the motherboard. M5A97 R2.0, the worst of the best. It is amazing in every single aspect, except one - the VRM is not enough for the 8-core Vishera. Mosfets heat up to 98c, it doesn't have digital control and therefore doesn't spread the load between phases. LLC is non-existent, so it idles at 1.45v and drops below stock under load. It still manages a decent 4.5GHz overclock, but only with lots of cooling. Special thanks to the blue abstract piece of art aka the VRM heatsink that manages to stay at 45c while the back of the board steadily approaches 100c.