Delidded CPU, prepped for Liquid Metal. I used Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut for that.
Fan mod on the PSU. Almost shorted and killed myself with that. End Result is worth it tho. White PSU with RGB Fan.
Side view. Crooked bend that has been holding up. Intending to work that one out when the new tubes arrive.
Snow Candy
The Snow Candy. The first Watercooled PC I ever owned. Not the first I ever built.
CPU-Z Validation Overclocks: CPU @ 5100MHz, RAM @ 3000 MHz, GPU @ max settings in control panel (Couldn't do much here without some chance of bricking the gpu)
As of march 2018 finished. Though quite far from finished for me personally as I intend to work it in february 2019 again and redo most of the tubing aswell add more RGB to it, such as the CPU, and redo most of the wiring. Updates to follow.
Some stats: It took me 2 weeks to build, From arrivel of most parts to air test and final result. Started mid february 2018 and finished it officially with a boot to windows 10 on the first of march. Overclocking happened later.