Very sparse, work in progress that began with the PC upgrade. Primarily used for gaming, light video editing, light work, and general recreation. I have a separate laptop for primary work.
This was one of the smoothest builds I have ever completed in 25 years of building PCs. Mind you this is the first time I have built a PC so close to "cutting edge". Meaning all-new components, very close to their production release (1 year being close for me!).
Over the years, all my past builds have been scrounged together and part by part upgrades via used outlets or bargain bin, which also meant all past "new" PC builds or part upgrades were always 4-6 years behind the latest technology. So now my hope is this build will take me a few years. However, the only drawback is when I want to upgrade CPU, RAM, or M.2 storage, I will have to dish out for an all new motherboard as well. I made this tough decision of not having an easy upgrade path due to a lot of sale prices I was able to find. Being on the cusp of gen4 M.2 and DDR5 common hardware as well as 12th gen and higher intel CPUs coming out, it was crazy enough the cost difference of $500-900 settling what I did. Only the PC build itself was completed recently, the monitors/peripherals, etc equipment I had before.
So far so good! First time I have had an aesthetically pleasing build as well. I keep thinking of tweaks to make it look even more clean. Cheers!
==================== 2022/2023 PLANS ====================
- (Possibly) Install 3x Intake Fans along rear side panel
- Long-term goal: Update setup layout, new matching furniture, more seamless aesthetic with accents