My first full custom build. Built late 2017/ early 2018. everything on it is custom, with hand built and acrylic paneling painted and cut by me. custom sleeved cabling hand made. was a cool build, learnt a lot from it. A lot being what not to do, and what not to buy haha.
change the cooling up to white for the prospective buyer. and sold it mid 2018. wanted to do bigger and greater things. this was also right when the 2080 was getting announced and everyone was trying to off load their 1080ti's. little did i know at the time the 2080 was going to be a completely uncompetitive and the later 2080ti was going to be a joke. I do regret selling it, it was very special system. pictures really don't give it justice how much detail went into it. build time was almost 2 months with every day spending time on it. note the back panel glass has a custom painted aorus logo on it, i didn't get a good picture of that but it actually was my favorite thing about the build.