Latest update with new fans. Added extra usb hub splitter for more devices.
Last state before fan updates
Iron Man inspired theme.
Project Chii Phase 4 of 5
Project Chii has gone through 4 phases, which originally started with the Maximus 7 Hero a 4790k and 2way SLI Strix 970's, so far via upgrades to reach a goal of top tier hardware all on a custom hard tube loop. Phase 5 will be with the completed custom water loop. Most of the previous phases were rebuilds into better cases to clean up the build while also aquiring better cooling performance. Until now when an upgrade was needed, leading to a z390/9900k platform.
Yes I know windows activation watermark is there lol, it doesn't like my new motherboard and won't re-activate. Also if you're curious why the one particular sleeved pci-e cable is around the front of the gpu, is because it was premade with a 90 degree bend for a traditionally mounted gpu, not vertical mounted. Bending it the other way makes all the cables a mess, so instead I have a heart around the gpu lol. I will most likely resolve this with some new sleeved cable kits when I begin the custom loop portion of the build.