It's a bit out dated by now, i know, but still it's got:
Corsair Crystal 570 X RGB | so it's comfy
Aorus GTX 1080 Ti | so my monitor doesn't get bored...
Intel i7 7700k | for the good math grades
Aorus Z270X Gaming 7 | for a rainbow u can almost taste... (add skittles and u can... apparently)
16 Gigs of Hyper X Predator | so whichcraft can happen....
Enermax Platimax 1000W | for the best of juice u can get
NZXT Kraken X62 | to be cool even tho being super hot to look at
2000 Gigs of WD Blue | so the thing remembers what i tell'em
256 Gigs of Samsungs 860 pro | so the thing loads faster than it's shadow
Future Plans:
I'm graduating now and I'm running a bit low on bucks due to drivers licence and stuff but as soon as that gets better:
Definitely a 20 series RTX... some say its gonna be 2080 but i'm not sure yet... maybe lower cards but sli...
I wanna move from Aorus to Asus or MSI due to cooling issues .... such a massive cooler and still able to cook on it... anyways
I want a Avermedia 4k card for my other pc, so i can capture better... and it doesn't have to scale down a mirror wich bottlenecks the stupid sakldnaoincoanfaiocna....
And I'd like to do a custom tubing with a bit more lightning on it...
Finally if i'm able to i want a i9 for it ... i mean... i just need it...