Thanks to a big package from PPCS, I've been able to make some serious progress, including putting that dragon back on the CPU waterblock.
This first one I could have done but kept kicking it down the road until yesterday. That is probably the minimal bent 16mm OD tubing that can be made to be inserted into the fittings. Took me an hour of wrestling with a lot of knuckle scrapes and trimming (cutter tool doesn't cut below 8mm) before getting it secured.
These (GPU downward) are probably the easiest to measure and cut:
The GPU to dragon looked easy initially until I realized how difficult it was to get the right length to fit without risking breaking anything. 8.6mm would have had the tube touch the second (inner) o-ring on both ends' fittings but at least the inlet or outlet won't cooperate once one set is fixed. So I had to trim the second tube to 8.4mm. Technically I'm within spec of the EK-Torque HTC usage but looking at getting one of their leak tester as PPCS is having St. Patrick's Day sale this weekend.
Initially I thought I would need to bend tubings to connect the bottom fittings. However, my earlier calculation of using extenders, 90 degree F-F and 45 degree fittings came together. I did make one mistake: a 30mm extender is needed. I ordered a 20mm extender because I forgot Pythagoras's theorem when travelling in a diagonal. :face_with_tears_of_joy:
Later in the evening, I fiddled around with some extra extenders and decided I didn't need the 30mm extender. I still had 3 more tubings to work on and it wasn't a good idea to tackle them when fatigued. I've wasted 1 50cm tubing as I attempted a double 45-degree bend:
Second mistake was trimming a tube too short. That long piece from top to bottom may look ok in the pic but I'm sure it'll cause an orange-fountain the moment I turn on the pump.
Bunch of cable sleeving material from Titan Rig also arrived this evening. I'll take a break Sunday to recuperate though. Distance learning due to school closure for my kid in elementary starts Monday.