Looking up at the loop for the radiator and CPU, that runs behind the mid plate.
Top radiator outlet that runs in a quick loop around the back and then in and out of the CPU block.
Cable management and a look at the loop at the back.
Fan and pump cables from the front radiator setup.
Top view of the loop that runs at the back and into the front radiator.
As tidy as things could get. Only had to use a single zip-tie!
Full view of the case and build.
Full view of the case and the top fill-port.
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My first custom loop build for my home office (build started mid 2016 and finished early 2018 -- a small new addition to the family meant very little time to work on it). I tried to keep it very simplistic with a natural colour palette and clean lines. I made all the cabling myself with MDPC-X, measured to length (thanks to Daniel and Singularity Computers for some excellent video tutorials).
Other things to note are 1) smaller customisations to the case (extended top), holes for pass-throughs, and rearrangements of cable routing, 2) reservoir mounting brackets from Singularity Computers (modified to fit the small interior space), and 3) cable combs from Hex-Gear. It's running a clear distilled water solution with biocide concentrate; the old EK-Ekoolant EVO. The fans are also the old F2-120 (1450 RPM), which are now discontinued, but they were not an option in the builder. The tubing is 12mm acrylic.