Hi Guys, I made this mod as a new type of concept a few years ago. Its all based upen Asus ROG hardware which should be easily accessable without having to unscrew the side panels which a case usually has. once agin it is 100% Handmade. Whenever we opena standard case and start screwing around with mainboards and ram and cpus etc.. we usually ly the case flat and fumble around in it. I decided to change that and give all the hardware a sort of stage , or rather a podestal to hold it. all can be accessed and reachen iwthout much bother. The really special thing here is I actually finished this scratch build in just 12 days, which apart from the 24 live modding builds at the DCMM, which are totally different concepts due to time restrictions, is a record. Usually all my very extreme themes take at least 300 to 700 or even once 2500 hours. Anyway, without further ado here is the P.O.D 1 which is an AIO cooled i7, with ddr4 ram, 128gb or ssd and 2x asus matrix gtx 980 ti cards on am Asus Z97 WS board.