My current Battle Station. You can't see but my Behringer Mixer is to the right of my monitor and my Shure Microphone is to the left. Also, yes my deck is custom made out of hardwood bamboo flooring that was hand built by me and my buddy.
Rave inspired Water cooled extravaganza.
Just recently found a way to put my extra Kraken x62 on to my Asus Strix GTX 1080 using the Kraken G12 bracket.
Messing around with some solid colors.
Love the swooping of the loops in this case.
Rave Water-Cooled Extravaganza
"Gaming battle stations are a work of art" is something I like to say to friends that want to build PCs of their own. (No, this PC case is not sponsored by NZXT, I just really like their products). This PC has been through a lot over the past year and a half. Many different changes to its structure and location but it is finally finished. I have been working on PCs for about 4 years and have loved every second of it, every bump and success in the road has led me to this final Rave inspired build. If you couldn't tell, I do love RGB lighting within the PC. Custom bamboo desk with included drop case, hand built by me and my buddy 2 years ago and still holding strong, as well.