Video of color rotation with fans set to rainbow scheme
Wife's build finally complete AMD 5800X
Originally when I got everything but the GPU (foolishly thinking we wouldn't have to wait too long to get a 3060TI twin fan style GPU was the plan at the time), put everything listed into the case, and thought I could use my old GTX 970 to get her by with that...Forgot that card died a couple of days before my 2060 showed up, so 10 months later we finally sniped the EVGA 3070TI for current MSRP on Amazon of all places and then found that the cable ducting on the motherboard side of the case was 10mm deep in the way of the card slotting into place, so I had to drill a 4 inch vertical section by 10mm wide of that out of the way and now she is up and running on her new first custom built office workstation/gaming PC (previous PC she had was an old HP Pavilion from early 2000, everything since then has been a laptop every five years or so).