This is the first PC i've ever built, I decided to go with thermaltakes view 71 case for the look of it & the amount of fans I could add to it, though the gaps between the case & glass put me off so i added some single sided sticky foam around the edges to stop dust from getting in as well as went for a positive air pressure with currently 13 fans pushing air into the case & 1 pushing air out at the back, i also put fans on both sides of the radiator in a push pull configuration. I currently have a total of 14 thermaltake fans with 7 120mm positioned with 6 at the front & 1 at the bottom & 7 140mm with 6 at the top & 1 at the back. I had gaming in mind when i built this as well as making it look bright & colourful. I'm currently running the storage in Raid 0. I've finely got around to adding in a custom liquid loop as well as upgrading my msi 2080 gaming x trio to a msi 2080 super sea hawk ek. I'm using my Sony Bravia 4K Tv as a Monitor as I also connect 17 different Video Game Console to it.