Still a bit under work. Cablecombs, one more fan, a couple more RGB led strips and a thermometer are on the way. Also a custom backplate for the GPU is coming soon.
The screen on top of the PC will most likely be wallmounted. Maybe a 24" screen will come above the PC itself in the future.
My first own PC. I built this in December 2018, but since then she has had a few changes: GPU went from Vega 56 to a Vega 64, which I swapped out for the 1080 Ti. Cooler was Thermalright Macho HR-02 Rev.B and now I have Kraken X62. Got a few new hard drives and swapped the fans around a bit.
I mainly use her for gaming, but I have made it a bit of an all-rounder if I ever need to use a PC for studies or work.
The Processor is overclocked to 4,2GHz and RAMs are running 3200mHz CL14. GPU is running at stock speed when at normal use, but I will overclock when benchmarking.
Wishlist on possible future upgrades: -Samsung C27JG50 1440p 144hz screen -G.SKill TridentZ RGB Fake DIMMs (if they ever will be made) -Samsung 860 EVO 1TB SSD