This build is a bit old, I forgot to publish it way back when, she doesn't Fortnite anymore, just Minecrafts and anime now.
When your daughter says, "Dad, I can't play Fortnite at 30 FPS anymore, its lame and my squad wants to boot me!" What do you do? You build a budget 1080p Fortnite box with spare hardware thats what you do!
This build has all of $125 in it, most of it is spare hand me down hardware, but it gets a solid 100-120 FPS with no problems. Her first build was an old beige mode I custom painted black and red, so she wanted to stick with the same color theme, the P300 RGB worked out perfect. I was able to custom loop an i5 6400, (please keep the laughter to a minimum it was ALL spare stuff laying around collecting dust), and use the vertical GPU bracket to get her looking stylish. Her brother chipped in with a curved 24" monitor, Corsair RGB keyboard and mouse, and we got her a nice little comfortable setup going, almost makes me jealous!