This is probably the mod that i've worked on the longest so far (start in june 2020).
Stopped working on it from time to time and i had to test alot of stuff while working on it.
The idea was to create a polygon glacier looking attachment for the sidepanel (windowpanel).
And after working already with epoxy i wanted to use it again, but not casting one piece, but every piece of it.
The inside panel was actually printed - also something i wanted to test but mainly because another epoxy frame would have been so much more work.
Watercooling is fully sponsored by Alphacool and BeQuiet made the project possible by providing me with case, psu and fans.
Yes it is softtubing and yes it might not be perfect but it is exactly as i wanted it - minimalistic as possible.
The rest of the hardware is from a HP Omen PC, which i bought due to the high GPU prices.
Sleeves are handmade with MDPC-X.
Yes, there is still potential to work on (going full white for hardware for example or mod the case itself, which i did not want yet).