Third iteration of my green battlestation. It started as a prebuilt 1000€ pc that I used for over 5 years, little gaming every now and then but mostly being a console bleb at the time.
The next step was back in 2018 when I decided it was time to truly ascend to pcmr. I swapped everything but the case and my old PSU. i7-8700k, 1070Ti, 16gigs of ram, M.2s all around. It was great bang for the buck and I really enjoyed using it. This was my first build basically from scratch so went with air cooling, didn't want to jump in the deep end yet.
At the start of 2021 I bought a new 27" 1440p monitor and saw that the old trusty 1070Ti is starting to show its age. By some miracle I happened to find an MSI RX 6800 at near msrp and decided to do a little overhaul of the pc at the same time. New PSU, case and more storage are enough for now to keep me happy for the next couple of years. Running the CPU overclocked at 4.8Ghz and GPU at 2420Mhz. The pc has come a long way from i5-2500k and Radeon HD 6950. Time for some watercooling next time around?