This is a build centered around Portal and Portal 2. The case is a largely stock Case Labs Merlin ST-10. The acrylic panel was custom laser etched by a local trophy shop. I modified the case with additional lighting, video and sound effects using an Arduino Nano, Adafruit AudioFX board, a 1 Meter Neopixel RGB strip and Raspberry Pi with a 4.5 inch TFT. Upon power up, the neopixel installed along the edge of the window panel illuminates and animates, and sound effects play such that GladOs "greets" you. The idle animation of the window becomes a sublte breathing glow effect. Pressing the left front while LED ring button cycles the window to solid on, off, then back to breathing. An additional GladOs sound effect is also played. All sounds being taken directly from the game files themselves. The right hand LED ring button is connected to a modified xbox one wireless controller adapter and some custom logic circuitry to allow me to press and hold to sync a controller as well as pulse the LED when the sync mode is engaged.
The bottom shroud is a custom 3d printed, glued and painted piece to hide the power supply and some wires.
The front LCD is driven by a Raspberry Pi Zero put into read only mode and plays a loop of various videos that are played within Portal 2.
All mods are powered directly off the PSU and therefore automatically run when powered on and shut off when the PSU cuts power on shutdown.
Youtube video demonstrating the case mod:
Also, I modded my monitor to add realtime reactive bias lighting. I followed this guide:
A screengrabber program samples the image on my desktop and translates that to RGB leds tapeds to the back rim of the monitor. This is the result:
(Note: for some reason every camera I tried to capture this tinted any white to pink. Colors are pretty spot on in person.)