When even the back of the case is tidy :-) happy man!
Lights on ..
Nice idol temps!
Never forget you’re drain valve :-)
Coolant in and we’re a go!
Had a bit of a change of heart on the flow indicator. Feel this better fits the hexagonal theme from the front panel.
One last snap before leak testing!
Tubing done, cables routed!
The only bend needed :-)
Front panel test fit.
Bitspower is where it’s at when it comes to fittings!
Just love how a GPU looks on a water block!
CableMod replacement to stealth out them Dominators!
Corsair Dominator Platinum :-O
That EK Monoblock goodness!
Getting the case home was a bit of an afterthought....
Acid rain by Rye_Pye
Build is done in the Lian-Li PC-O11 dynamic. Needed to downsize my build a little but wanted to keep as much water cooling as possible. This case was the perfect candidate!
Some of the parts followed over from my last build and some parts were upgraded in the process overall just wanted to give my build a bit more of a clean showpiece look!
Building these kind of custom water cooled PCs is a real passion of mine, hope you like my work