Front Side - A bit dim only because of the dust filter and that the fan light is on the other side
GPU Side, 4 usb 3.0 extension card for various peripheral use
Right side - the reason I called this Ocean Breeze is because of how many fans there are one, two how it is so blue, and finally because if you look very closely here you can see a kind of wave formation with the pipes
Desk view - Always a member of the cult of Razer
Area View - Theres the chair, desk, and... PC
Ocean Breeze
1st Custom Loop Gaming Build. Called Ocean Breeze because of how blueee it is. In case you are wondering that how did I manage to put that many fans well because of the splitters that I needed on 3 fan ports, in which all of them run constantly at around 2000 rpm. The pump I set at about a good 2400 rpm for nominal flow, good thing for all that flexible tubing. The hard drives I had to cool down with that masscool thing and noctua fan because both hard drives down at those cages run hot at about 44 c.; the fan that is supposed to cool them is being blocked by the pump so I put it to take out air instead of uselessly blowing it towards a pump reservoir. I'll get an m.2 some day but for now I don't mind using hdds LOL. The only two problems are that sometimes the power button on the case won't turn on because of how powerful the psu is and two that how hot the gpu runs only because it is a turbo edition from asus that just does that, why I don't know. One last thing is that for the memory I actually have 4x16 gb ram vengeance lpx white and not 8 of the 8gb ones, the g5 psu is 1000 watts also. Anyway, with all the games it runs stable around at max capped fps of 144 and 60 at max settings which is awesome, temps at idle 32 celsius gpu and cpu and at load gpu runs hot because like I said it's a turbo edition. Lmao, if anyone wants to know I use a lifetime brand desk and a gtracing gaming chair model Audio series blue with legrest. Well, that's it... hope everything goes well for it in the future for years to come.