It all started here. Ladies and gentelmen - Antec Striker Mini-ITX case.
Trying to place the tube and see if it fits well.
Done the drilling and now the tube sits where it should. As you can see I used EK's pump plastic stand support.
Meanwhile the work horse has arrived. XFX Merc 310 AMD Radeon 7900 XTX (that's a lot of Xs for sure).
Wrapping parts in vinyl film.
And this is the result after wrapping everything. Some show-off shots, if you don't mind (1).
Show-off shot (3). The front of the case.
Show-off shot (4). Right side of the case.
Show-off shot (5). The back of the case.
Show-off shot (6). The left side of the case.
Trying to fit the GPU in its place with the stock cooler. Just for the LULz.
Look how big it is (no "that's what she said" jokes here pl0x).
Meanwhile the GPU waterblock has arrived. Lets see what's inside.
This thing weighs almost the same as GPU with its stock cooler I swear.
The GPU size compared to regular keyboard with numpad. Quite impressive.
About to disassemble this beast.
Removing the stock cooler.
Getting rid of the thermal greeze and pads.
Time to put on the waterblock.
Now back to the case. Installing the motherboard, PSU, CPU + it's waterblock, radiators. Doing some cable management here. By the way you can notice I slightly have painted motherboard's VRM and SSD radiators as well.
Behind the scenes. Full of cables everywhere. Cable-combs were pretty useful to be honest.
Now it's time for tubing. Some close-up shots here.
It is slowly coming to what I expected it to look like.
And now the loop is finally done.
Notice the black filling port? It was the only that arrived in wrong color, but oh well, it will be mostly covered with side panel anyway.
Testing the pressure (1).
Testing the pressure (2).
Testing the loop for leaks with distilled water. Pieces of paper towel everywhere.
We are getting closer: about to fill the colored liquid.
And here is the final result.
The final result (different angle) (1).
The final result (different angle) (2).
The final result (different angle) (3).
The final result (different angle) (4). Hope you enjoyed this journey as I did.