A buddy of mine wanted a good looking and high performing build, so i made it. He had a 6700k, ram, and stuff, so i figured a new GPU and a decent case with good cooling and striking visuals would go a long way.
What kind of custom work went into it:
Basically nothing, as plain as it can be! All made with off the shelf stuff you can buy! Really, it's just themed around the vertically mounted ASUS rog strix 1080ti GPU, and holds the same strix theme on the motherboard. The case (despite it's many flaws) features a very rog-esque pattern in the design and visually compliments it well.
What i'd like to improve if it were today:
It could need a better case, like a meshify C. I'd also love to give it some RGB ram to complete the look, but that's just details. I'd also maybe replace some worn and used parts like the vertical GPU mount.