After watercooling my previous build with old stuff, I decided to upgrade aal the watercooling bits when I got new hardware. The only things that remained were the D5 pump, and both radiators. All the other bits were replaced, and the loop was finally laid out the way I wanted it in the first place. The tubes are Primoflex LRT 19/13 with green EK dyed water. Sucker takes almost 1.5 liters :) CPU is overclocked to 5.1Ghz and the 1080 to 2179/11500 GPU/MEM for daily, and 2214/11900 GPU/MEM for benching. It does 4117 in TimeSpy Extreme and 8866 in the normal TimeSpy. Temps for the CPU are around 75C under 100% load, and 44C for the GPU.