This was my first build. From a childhood dream that finally came true. I was raised in a relatively poor family and we never had newer tech in the house. Hell, we didn't have internet until 2011 DVR till 2012. After working hard and making a decent life for myself I was finally able to build Genesis.
I decided to give my pc the name of Genesis, since its my first build. I plan on making more builds to sell but Genesis will always be mine. Upgrading components of course as the years go by. I'm extremely happy and have been addicted to using it since I completed the build. Only thing I think I may add soon would be a stand for my GPU. My 1060 is a little heavy considering it has a 3 fan configuration, and has just maybe a few degrees of sag.
Go easy on me in the comments with cable management lol, I'm still learning ways of improving and getting better.
PS... I know I need an extra 8pin PCIe cable, so I had improvise with my GPU power.