2080ti Block and 140mm From PrimoChill and Byksiki
Starting off slow. Not many tools on hand. but i have plans for all that.
Been a while. All cables for right side finished
Still have a good amount to do. Once right side is done this side will be done easily. Fittings are the biggest expense
“It was just a dream”
Fun while I had it , this projects been canceled. Just don’t have drive for it anymore. Thanks for looks and likes.
Hypnotik V2 (dead build)
Finally able to sit down after setting this all up. Just waiting on those parts from PPC to get here. Then it will be an interesting build using that suitcase there.
Hello everyone! Its been a hectic year eh? My first build Hypnotik V1, died almost as soon as i got my final part. And i mean literally. Both motherboard ended up frying out over a screw touching it. =/. That started a waterfall effect that eventually affected my personal life. BUT now we are at it AGAIN! This time a bit cheaper and def a lot smarter.
This build is a work in progress i plan to have it finished around july or aug 4th for my bday.
The case isnt your ordinary case, in fact its mind boggling different. A SUITCASE PC. Custom Watercooled, Distro Plates, 2 PSUs and big daddy x299 Rampage OMEGA. For my cpu is considered "dated" pft/ not even/ But i will be hopefully getting a upgrade to the best x299 Cpu out there.
For now enjoy the pictures of the current setup i have, as i get more parts in ill be sure to update