Wow. This computer has come a very long way. Back in December 2018 until February 2019 I bought all the parts I needed to build a PC. Things were different - this was right before RTX 2000 series came out; it was also when RAM was very expensive, but power supplies found in abundance with competitive prices. At first I bought an NZXT h500i, 9700k, 1070 TI, Corsair h115i Platinum RGB AIO with G.Skill RAM. The only "original" part on my current build is the motherboard, power supplies, and some fans (I had to buy more for the 011-D since it has more air flow and is larger). That white h500i case now houses a 2700x I bought with a Crosshair VII board that I sold to my friend, along with the 1070 TI and the G.Skill RAM.
Darksyde is finally in its final form - although I usually use clear cryofuel I accidentally bought white and I have to say when you mix the two together, it doesn't look bad... plus Darksyde is named after 3 things - Pink Floyd's album (hence the white liquid makes sense), Darkseid from DC (just because he's such a badass), and the spelling with the yde at the end is an homage to the fictional band Wyld Stallyns from Bill and Ted.
I don't know how to correct the prices on some of these parts, the default amounts are totally crazy (like the Leviathan XF radiator for example, I paid $80 or $90 for it before taxes, not $400 lol).
This is what Darksyde was before you see in the pics here (the close up pics were taken today, day of this post being published, and the one with the monitors was taken several months ago but the desk is the same):