Attempt at 3dmark top 100, 3090 failed to impress. Goal not attained. Bad GPU block form ekwb resulted in destroying my first 3090. Closer inspection showed it was severely warped?..(link below) not flat anyway. EVGA RMA'd the part and I had to wait another 4 weeks for Ek to make a new part. Now waiting for EKWB active backplate.
Best benchmarks were made after stuffing res full of ice cubes. CPU OC was very strong, GPU could not attain sufficient OC to make 3dmark Top 100.
Pricing showed is probably accurate enough, I paid 1900 for the Gpu, EVGA direct que system and closer to 1k for the cpu (scalper price)
Update: EKWB active backplate arrived and was installed.
Note: images depict several iterations using different hardware, the current configuration is outlined in the parts description.