Hi there, this is my current gaming/entertainment/work-station. I started using this setup in January 2015. Subsequently, some additions & replacements were made to it.
List of changes:- {i} Added the 2nd HDD around mid-2016 due to severe shortage of storage space which became kinda redundant as later that year my ISP upgraded my connection (at no extra cost) from 3Mbps to 75Mbps as soon as a competitor entered the market. {ii} Replaced the existing hybrid cooling system with the current air cooling system around the 2nd quarter-ish of 2018 due to malfunction.
NB:- Accessories not mentioned in "Hardware" section due to the current unavailability of their brands:- {i} Cisco-Linksys E900 N300 Wi-Fi Router Details {ii} APC Back-UPS 1100VA Details