VERY FIRST Computer built for a company, this build is completed for a budget workstation PC of a start up company.
Client gave a budget of more and less $1000 Workstation PC. Gave the client 3 options to choose instead of Build A-B-C naming, I gave them 3 names Asgard, Burrito, and Charizard.
These naming's were according to these features Asgard - for a modest use in multimedia design (less $1000) Burrito - for a heavy wrapped power in video editing rendering. (near $1000) Charizard - for exaggerated work in 3D rendering of multimedia designs. (more $1000)
For both builds, I started researching 3 months ago (since its my very first time), then purchased the components during December, so it took me a month to finalize everything, and it took me around 25Hrs in total for both to complete.
All of these we're chosen by a beginner, a first time learner in building a computer. All of the components we're subject to availability of the merchant (online and physical stores) All components we're purchased from PH, some components we're bought locally in the city of Cebu.
For more details feel free to comment and ask some questions on my VERY FIRST computer build.