I didn't take to many photos whilst building. This was taken in the middle of testing before cables were tidied up.
Main sliding tray part of the Core X. I liked the look of the build outside of the main case.
Front view of case
I added a fill/drain port to the back of the case for maintenance.
Temporary build on the plastic tray of the Core X
Made my own custom cables sticking with the Razer Chroma theme
Made my own custom cables sticking with the Razer Chroma theme
Was trying to decided how to have everything setup. Kind of liked this...
Completed setup.
Water-cooled Razer Core X
This was my first ever "PC build" I had been a Mac user for years and finally decided to switch over to a PC. I had brought my self a gaming laptop as I travel a lot with work so I could game on the move. I like the idea of having a EGPU for when I came home I could dock the laptop in the Core X and have the added gaming performance the EGPU could provide.
It wasn't long before I wanted more. I wanted to be over to overclock the 2080Ti I had in the Core X and liked the idea of water-cooling it. I went about modify the Razer Core X to allow for a Corsair SF600 PSU and an EKWB 120 Predator all in one cooler and then the cabling and tubing.
I only did a little bit of testing as I said before this was my first "PC build" The temperatures were much improved at around mid 50s for max load and stress testing, 28c seems to be idle and high 30s and low 40s most the time whilst gaming. I think its pretty good for 120 rad and fan.