These are older photos since I moved recently but here is what my setup is/was. It's no where close to the 1000 dollar setup I was rocking in 2020. New setup post at the new place coming very soon, with wifey setup included. Still keeping to my roots though, a few items that were apart of the original setup are still here. Serious monitor upgrades are already in the works, and I'll be looking at refreshing the look of the system this year as well. PS - I was using two EVGA 650W SFX PSU together since it was cheaper than having one 1000W SFX PSU - Recently though I found a Corsair 1000W SFX PSU and swapped it out for one, made cable management so much easier especially inside inside this O11 mini. Also, the RGB on the GPU backplate is inconsistent and I'm looking at getting a new one from V1 Tech. If you have any questions feel free to reach out or post a comment. Enjoy!