UPDATE 7/20/20: Finally got the 3900x in my system. This thing is a beast and I was wrong to ever doubt AMD's viability in my future rig upgrades. This beast sits at only 20% when I'm gaming with my 5700 xt, I know that may sound like a problem to some but as someone who upgrades my rig so often its a good step in the right direction.
UPDATE 7/2/20: So the biggest change obviously was going from my dlm22 to a Fractal Design Define C. I also added some custom sleeved extensions and replaced my trusty peripherals. In the keyboard department I went from a drevo Excalibur to a blackwidow ultimate, as for a mouse I retired my mm711 and replaced it with a Ironclaw rgb. The most recent update is going from my basic Corsair voids to a pair of razer Nari wireless headset.
UPDATE: The dye has come in and so has the 5700. The 5700 has been flashed to a 5700 xt and overclocked 2039 MHz, I also decided to add a single intake in the front.
This build is loosely based on Red Dead Redemption 2(my new favorite PC game). It has a Ryzen 7 2700, 32 gb's of Corsair vengeance pro at 3200 MHz, a vega 56 that I flashed to a vega 64. The water cooling has raised many questions in the past namely why? Well back in December I purchased a dlm21 by darkflash and I was dedicated to constructing a custom loop in it, at the time of publishing no one else has done it and I'm proud to say I was the first. A few problems I encountered was the fact that mounting dual 240's in it was overly difficult due to my second issue, the pump resivoir. This case does not have a spot for a pump resivoir unit so I mounted it by only one screw and some lock tight making it secure but hanging at the same time. This build is never done, I have a 5700 and waterblock on the way and red dye for the loop. The second change I want to make is in the case department, I dream of building in a rajintek paen M but it is rarely in stock and I'm having trouble securing one. But in the mean time here is my build and I look forward to your feedback, I will update it once I have the dye and the 5700 installed.