Had some time to make a few more touch ups. Front panel frame, attach filters, and a bit of cable management.
Was trying for a wood stain to match my wife’s desk.
Woot! couldn't hit 11000 with my Z490 and 10400.. Too bad I bricked my Z490 though.
Bricked my Z490 MB so replaced it with the B550 and Ryzen 3600 from my cinema center. Need to redo a run, the CPU is in a slightly different position.
About time! Back up and running. FYI don’t buy cheap pcie riser cables.
I think this looks a bit cleaner. More bends though, will see if I can sweat the connections straight.
Leak testing. No reason for the second reservoir, just needed about a 1.5cm off set.
3060ti will do my best not to break it...
Some progress.. 360 rad cut out, gpu mount adjusted, and a few runs. The last one is going to be fun...
May have to redo the small pipe... it’s a little dented on the end from dropping it.
More parts for the build..
Changed the run from the rad to the CPU block. No more rear pass through. Also, still waiting on 2 more fittings.
Cheated a little and used soft tubing to line up the rad. 4 bends would be difficult to line up perfectly.
Back on line! Temps are great!
Had to redo some runs after changing MB and CPU.
Decided to rebuild in Poop Shoot. Still lots to go..
Found a $1 keyboard from a recycle shop.. not mechanical, but has a more crisp and clicky feel then modern membrane keyboards. Also PS/2 is necessary to into the bios on quick start up.
Poop Shoot (reboot)
Trying to go for an industrial look and plumbing most of the wires in PVC, but... with all the PVC...hence the title
Just a mock-up for now. Still waiting on parts, pci-e riser, extension cables, paint...etc..
Not a fan boy of any company, but I have been using AMD since the first FX series, then switched to Ryzen because of slow boot and restart problems with FX. Maybe it was because of the cheap Biostar board or the Ryzen 3500, but still had the same problems even with Ryzen. Yes bios and everything updated.
Anyways my cheap I3 9100F build have been running flawlessly, so decided to give Intel a more serious try.
I5 10400
Also Intel is still priced way over US MSRP, but not as much as AMD.
moved the gpu, more pvc cable management, and finished the back cover. Can't do much more till the pci-e riser get in
more wood..
gave up on the pvc for now.. way too difficult to mod anything with all the cables running inside the pvc. Maybe paint next?
new gpu cooler
The Scythe Choten cooler for the GPU was doing okay... around low to mid 60s, but there's always room for improvement!
Was a toss up between the Ninja or the Mugen. Decided on the Ninja since it would fit and had an extra fan. Also decided to put a little more effort into the mounting system. Looks just a little less sketchy home made now....not counting the poopy amateur wood support for the massive cooler.
Did some testing, about 10 degrees drop in cooling and just a few extra frames in Haven bench mark. At least I know I'll be ready for the summer heat.