Completed View: Updated 3/13/21 New Wood and Acrylic top
The desk started as aluminum Lian Li DK 04. OC'd temps are around 45C after all day gaming and streaming :D
New Top 3/13/2021
Components are cool but this is so clean.
Final Customized Sit Stand controller
Final SteelSeries Mods
Front Detail of the Case / Desk
Finished front panel and mouse pad
This is a still shot from Bender in the Futurama Episode "Obsoletely Fabulous" and its on my 140mm case fan
Most of the components installed. Top Down
Most of the components installed. Side View 2
Most of the components installed. Side View 1
Inspiration ♥
The back panel was split into 3 laser cut pieces of maple veneer. all measured with a caliper and re-drawn in LightBurn software
Top cover for Steel Series DAC and headphone covers.
interior faux panels that help run the coolant lines from left to right, and connect to the quad radiator.
In Progress picture of wrapping the radiators and motherboard tray in maple.
example of front power buttons and some laser etched replacement attempts
Obsoletely Fabulous
I created this build as my first hard line water cooled build, and really went for it. 2020 was a rough year for everyone, and I used this build as a way to give me something to focus on, and learn new skills, and flex on noobs.
I spend most of my time in front of bad screens (work) and good screens (gaming / tv). But I really enjoy being out in nature and also doing some wood working. The concept I came up with was "How can I create a unique environment to showcase my love of technology and nature" and came up with this build.
So named for the Futurama episode where Bender resists the X-1 upgrade, and downgrades himself into wood. I wanted to make my computer look obsolete and wooden as possible.
Special thanks to my beautiful wife as well as my discord server, Taco Corp, who listened to me talk about part (un)availability and pretended to care about every little thing I did on this build.
I used the Orturo Laser Etcher (20w) and Light Burn to cut all the pieces, measuring for laser cut thickness and accuracy. If anyone is looking to wrap the Steel Series or has a Lian Li desk they want to do something similar, feel free to PM me.
Update 3/15/21:
With the Frostable glass top from Lian Li not working, I put in this new wood and acrylic top, working on custom cabling now :).
Update 3/31/21: Ordered Complete custom cables from CableMod, 8 week lead time :(. With the custom cables, i'm going to finish the inside trim, RGB lighting, and do all sorts of finishing touches. It will probably be torn down all the way with motherboard removed, so I can appropriately address cabling and cable runs