This special build was a mashup of two different parts deals I found on Facebook and Craigslist. It all started when I saw a deal on Facebook. The computer had everything that I included in this build, but I parted out the included i5 and motherboard to different machine and wanted to throw an i7 into this one.
The separate Craigslist deal was also a steal. I met up a guy selling his old setup, an i7-3770k and Maximus V Extreme board that was meant for extreme overclocking. He was originally selling the CPU, motherboard, 16GB ram, and CPU cooler for $200. I was able to talk him down to $150, and the rest is history.
I really wanted to keep the i7 for one of my personal gaming machines, but since I had the Obsidian case lying around, it was the only case I had that was compatible with the eATX ASUS Maximus, so thus, the Obsidian Maximus Build was born.
Since I wanted to get move on from the case, I posted the build for sale and it quickly sold to a nice family within 24 hours. They said it would mainly be used for light workstation applications and flash games. They had previously bought an OEM machine that crapped out on them, so they saw mine as a good alternative, as much as I hate to say it would be overkill. Hopefully their son might get into gaming one day, and when he does, this machine will serve them well. If not, I'm glad the machine will retire with light workloads.
Thanks for reading! Hope you guys enjoyed how cheaply I built this guy and I'm pretty happy where it ended up.