Named "No Peel" due to wife will not let me take off the coverings on the Corsair Case itself. Decided to use the soft tubing due to simple nature of working around it. I am not upgrading my 1080ti just yet. 1080ti still rocks around 100 fps on all of the games that I play on the AOC AGON Ultrawide monitor.
Main use of this pc is of course for gaming. I recently finished playing Shadow of War, which I really enjoyed. Regularly I play SC2, Forza Horizon 3 and Fifa 2018. I am looking forward to "the Division 2" but I don't think I will pay 60 dollars for the game at the launch.
In the Future, I would like to replace the EKWB CPU block to the Mono block. I would also like to try the vertical GPU bracket from Cablemod but as you can see from the picture, I barely have any room between the GPU and the pump/res combo so I am not sure if it will fit. Any comments would be appreciated on that.