This Build takes a different Approach to the Raijintek Morpheus cooler by instead of using case fans for the cooler, i opted to use an 3-fan slot in card made by Jonsbo (VF-1 is the product name) which not only performs reasonably well and even quiet, it actually looks really good.
Things didn't go smooth though the as VF-1 does not have an PWM signal and the stock cable is a plain SATA power cord, so i had to solder a new header onto the VF-1 in order to at least somewhat control the fan speeds, first i tried to use an GPU 4-pin which plugged in nicely and did made the fans spin... at full speed... it seems that the RX Vega (and some other cards) will always run the fans at max RPM if there isn't an PWM signal coming in so there is that, now i needed a different method, this time i used a case fan header since motherboards will always output set desired voltage. The fans now spin up accordingly thanks to the Argus Monitor software which can be set so that case fans are controlled by GPU temperature.
Further plans with this build is to replace the CPU cooler with an AIO in order to look better as well as changing to a different case (the Pure Base 500 is in my eyes).