latest addition and final twin loop with Mayhems XTR UV and not auite straight plumbing due to the new Gpu riser cable
old build twin loop with Mayhems Pastel
another older colour scheme but with the plumbing straight but with the old Thermaltake riser cable which went kaputt
480X1920 is monitor No.4 but this time mounted externally under main monitor
all 4 working but nil cable management but promise to rectify😎
Drop dead gorgeous 👍
and running @3733mhz, result😊
Mayhems XTR with UV lights on
with the UV bar light looks more pink now I'll try to get some moe UV light in there somhow
and finally
Tried 2 risers would not register or boot?? Wtf
3090 too long ??? Had to loose 1 res ?? Now trying work around but temps are the same as a twin loop?
Mismatched fitting’s galore 🙃
Corsair 900D wip
started this build 3 years ago and , had to bin the GPU riser 3090 did not like it the old one from Thermaltake went doolally on me and of course the new corsair did not quite fit so with a little bit of dremel action it now fits ( but the pipes no longer line up!) so, if and when I get around to it I shall rectify them as well