Pretty happy with the cablemanagement here for my first time
Full set up
I also like it when it's all white.
Close up of the enormous Dark Rock Pro 4
Who doesn't like nudes?
Close up of the ROG parts.
Black Blade
Hello, this is my very first Pc Build right here. My goal was a black silent built. So I went with Be quiet and Asus for the most part. The looks and the sound and of course the performance were my top priority and not Bang for the Buck.
I hope you like it as much as I do. Iam super happy how this turned out and really got me into Pc building.
I later on added some ambient RGB to enlight the components better and added another 16 Gb of Ram.
I plan on add some Cablemod extension but I am debatting wether white or carbon would look better.
The system stands on a self modded shelf and is mainly used for Gaming and Videoediting.