I assembled the radiators on the frame. The long EKWB 5/32'' bolts are just enough long to mount the fan with the bracket to the radiator. I would probably go with longer ones, but I would have to find them in the first place. I also realized that almost all the fans I have are air flow optimized, so not ideal for the radiators, but I will sort this out later.
I put the temperature sensors between the rads and one in the reservoir. Why two? Well because we can!
I am curious about the thermal inertia of the system and the efficiency of each radiator to set the correct hysteresis on the fan curves. I also have a fluid meter after the pump to monitor if the pump is working as I can't see it physically. I may add second pump in future to have redundancy in the system.
Parts used:
- Barrow TCWD-V1 - design is very close to Bitspower sensors, I still have to evaluate accuracy
- Barrow SLF-V3
Yes, these are from China. Price is also a factor, at least to some level.
Flow meter on pump/res
Temperature sensor