I bought a my pc at the height of the mining craze. The main feature of the build is RGB. I sacrificed gpu thermals for that RGB goodness because as we all know RGB adds the extra frames. I bought the Ryzen 7 1700 at Micro Center as a bundle with the STRIX B350-F GAMING motherboard for about 290 because of the great deals there. Knowing that 1st gen Ryzen needs fast ram, I bought G.Skill - Trident Z RGB 16 GB 3000Mhz, for 175! I then received 500$ from my grandma which was on top of the 1004 I already had I bought a gtx 1060 at the height of the craze. I spent 100$ of that 600$ on a cherry mx blue keyboard. Hindsight 20 20 that was not a good idea. All of this is housed in the NZXT s340 case. Thank you for reading. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/4XJgjy Note: I have abot 1.75 tb of storage in all it is just too much of a hassle to put it here.