My very first ITX Build was named after the song played during the last scene of the successful TV Show Breaking Bad. I really love the show and i always wanted to do a build themed after it since i watched it again a few years ago. So in 2015 i started gathering hardware and ideas and found a great deal on a used PC. I bought new tools and was ready to rock til i noticed i needed some more training with these tools. Not muched happened after i ruined the case with my new scroll saw and it really took me some time to draw the line and start new. I sold the hardware i had and upgraded it to something more new. I also got a new case and started planing in CAD. This time everything went fine and nearly 3 years after the initial start the project was finished.
Even though the outside of the case still looks very stock, many custom parts were designed and either CNC milled or 3D printed. The illuminated front panel is made out of multiple layers of different materials to create an even backlighting. All the aluminium covers inside the case were designed by me in CAD and then milled and bent by Gosumodz. The heatsinks and parts of the water cooling blocks were put into drain cleaner to dissolve the coating, so that only the aluminium was visible. The most interesting part in my opinion is the reservoir which i designed in the first stage of this project and had someone do the welding. It is made out of stainless steel and represents on of those big reaction tanks they used in the super lab in the series. I was really curious how well it will work together with all the copper parts inside the loop but it seems to be doing well. I chose the softtubing on purpose because i think it fits the theme much better.
I really hope you all like it and leave down a comment below. Tell me what you like and what i could've done better!