Coming from a TT Core X9, the new Case needed to be smaller, which was a real challenge! My Custom Watercooling Loop needed to have at least 3x 360 Rads to be as silent as before (2x360, 1x 420 Monsta Rads) But if it wasn't enough, i didn't just change the case and radiators, it turned out that i only kept the GPU, PSU and HDD ;-)
The TT View 71 Case could hold 3x 360 rads, i was told. But it turned out, that the side mount was more of an "airbarrier" then anything else, so i took the panel off and replaced it with white acryl glass and gave 100% barrierfree Airflow to the sidemounted 360 slim xflow radiator. same acryl went on the ground with a cutrout for the "D5 Next" pump from Aquacomputer, which can show and even measure watertemp and flowrate, is fully adjustable per USB and offers PWM-Fan controller and last but not least RGB Lightning as well as a connector for digital RGB LEDs and the most advanced RGB SW i've ever seen. Reservoir is a Primochill CTR Phase II D5 enabled, which i wouldn't recommend afterwards
The Xilence RGB Fans all have a regular 4-Pin RGB Connector and are getting ligfhted up by an Aquacomputer Farbwerk 4-Channel RGB Controller.
Top and front rads are 45mm thick, front is xflow, all radiators are from Alphacool, as well as the double 45° chrome Extensions.
The RM1000i Corsair fully modular Gold PSU is connected to the mainboard via internal USB and has digital power phases, is able to monitor everything and switch between single and multirail in reraltime via Corsair Link SW.
All Components needed to be colored neutral: whithe, grey, black, silver! The only colours had to come from the fluid and the Lightning.