So I got a bunch of new fittings in, removed the GPU and mobo, drilled some holes in the top grille, and completed most of the loop. There are 2 open end points at the bottom that are waiting for the pump, which is still stuck in DHL somewhere.
The CPU to top rad link might look like overkill, but I really wasn't able to get a direct connection to fit. Tubing would kink, and a variety of fittings did not work. I'm planning to fill this from the top, so there is a ball valve up there.
There are soooo many fittings in this build to try to keep it clean. Makes it very expensive and the number of leak points makes me nervous, but we'll see I guess
20mm holes drilled and filed by hand to fit the three pass throughs.
GPU out to CPU in, CPU out to top rad, top rad to middle rad, middle rad to bottom rad, bottom rad to pump, pump to GPU in. Only the pump missing now.
Top tubing with fill port.